Legal notice

According to the duty of information established in the Law 34/2002, on 11th July, of Information Services and Electronic Commerce, general information of the web is specified below.

CIF B-66216946
Registration data Signed up at Mercantil Registry from Barcelona, Tom 44141, Foli 0036, Full 447897, inscripción 1.
Postal Adress Mestre Muntaner avenue, 44. 08700 Igualada (Bcn)
Phone Number 634 438 736


The access and use of this web grants the condition of User and implies the full acceptance of the conditions of use of the web, included in this Legal Notice. Please read them carefully. By accessing this Website and using the materials that it contains, implies that you have read and accept these conditions. If you do not comply with it, the User will refrain from using the Website.

In order to comply with the policy, this Legal Notice is subjected to changes and updates, which is why we recommend the User to read and review it whenever he or she accesses the web.

Moreover, some of the services offered on the web may have, in addition to the conditions described in this Legal Notice, to their particular conditions of use which, if needed, will also be applicable. Consequently, the user’s browsing on the web implies not only the acceptance of this Legal Notice but also the full acceptance of these particular conditions when applicable.

1.- Terms of use

This Website contains materials powered by the company and by its service providers, only as informative and consultative nature. However, it may include links that may redirect the user to other sites and websites managed by others. CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL will not respond to the contents of these Websites, and will not also mean a recommendation or approval about its contents.

The information on the web is valid taking into account the date of the last update and must be considered only indicative for the user. For any questions about the contents, commercial activities, products and services, the current normative will be applied, being the jurisdictional body the ones competent to have the knowledgement about the possible issues.

In any case, CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL reserves all rights to modify, limit or cancel the access and contents of the Website at any time, as well as the power to make changes in the configuration or presentation of the web

Without any prejudice of the legal rights of the user of the Website and, where applicable, the rights recognized to consumers, CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL does not guarantee the availability, access and continuity of the Website, its services and its contents . Whenever is possible, CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL will notify the user of interruptions of the website in advance. However, it will not take responsibility for the damages suffered by the unavailability, access or continuity of the web or any of its services or contents. However, CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL omits any type of responsability that may appear from the existence of technical problems or mechanical errors to the computer equipment produced during the connection to the Internet.

2. – Limitations of responsability

The User commits to make diligent use of this Website, according to current legislation, this Legal Notice, the particular conditions in case of their existence, and any other communication put in their knowledge through this or other media, as well as the rules of coexistence, morality and generally accepted good manners. CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL will not take responability for the incorrect use that users make of the information or contents of the service, being these acts of the exclusive responsibility of the user.

CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL, and the people of your organization, are not responsible for the errors or omissions in the published content, since they are merely informative. Moreover, CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL is not responsible for any damage that may appear from the use of this Website or of any action carried out based on the information provided on it.

In any case, CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL does not assume the responsibility of the User’s interpretations of the information contained in its Website.

3. – Rights and intellectual property

All intellectual property rights are reserved for CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL for all the content of this Website, including texts, images, sounds, files, logos, combinations of colors, or any other element. Its design, the selection and form of presentation of the included materials, as well as the computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, which are protected by industrial and intellectual property rights, ownership by CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL and / or its team members and / or investee companies.

Reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making it available to the public and, in general, any other form of exploitation by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this website, as well as its design and the selection and form of presentation of the materials that it includes is not allowed in any case.

Any unauthorized use of the software or the content of this website means a breach of the Intellectual Property, Industrial Property, personal rights, advertising and communication rights, and therefore, CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL, can take all the corresponding civil or criminal actions against those who injure its rights.

 4.- Veracity and confidentiality of the data

The information that the user facilitates through the website and / or through any other communication channel, must be truthful, accurate, and up to date. For this purpose, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the information that is communicated, being the one responsible for the false or inaccurate statements that he or she carries out and of the damages that may cause them to CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL or to third parties. By this way, the user will be the one responsible for the information that provides referring to third parties.

The user undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of their data and access credentials to their private area, in case of having it, as well as of the activities and procedures that may be carried out. In case of a third party performs an illegitimate or fraudulent use of the user’s account and / or credentials, the user will have to notify CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL immediately to adopt the necessary measures to prevent and reduce the possible risks that could cause.

5.- Cookies and antispamming policy

This Website uses its own cookies and from others to customize browsing, improving its services and displaying advertisements related to user preferences by analyzing their browsing habits. The user will have to accept the Cookies Policy in an expressed way and will be able to consult it at any time by accessing the corresponding web page.

CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL is against the practice of SPAM (sending massive and continuous commercial messages not requested to the user’s email). Therefore, users and third parties who are receiving SPAM that have not been previously authorized, can contact CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL at to adopt the necessary measures to prevent it.

6.- Data protection

Some of the services included in this Website require the collection of personal data from the user for its correct provision. Users, before providing to CAROL GASTRONOMIA, SL their data, will have to read and accept the Data Protection Policy that can be found in the web page, as well as in the forms and / or documents for the introduction of data, as appropriate.

7.- Jurisdiction and applicable legislation

The legislation applicable to the content of this website will be the one in the territorial area and the jurisdiction to which CAROL GASTRONOMIA SL is subjected to the resolution of any dispute or litigation that could appear from its relation with the user, it will take part the Court of Igualada.