General conditions of contract
This merchant agrees not to allow any transaction that is illegal, or is considered by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, that may or has the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence them. The following activities are prohibited under the card brand programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the Purchaser, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Cardholder, or cards. In addition, the following activities are also explicitly prohibited: “Sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age”.
Carol Gastronomia S.L. is the company that organizes and manages this web with all the information concerning to its activities and the tickets sale.
If you want to be a user of the services and a buyer of the articles Carol Gastronomia S.L., you will have to read and accept our general conditions of the contract, as the Legal Advice and Cookies policy. Every request will suppose, automatically, the acceptance of the current General Conditions of the Contract.
The following General Conditions are subjected to the Law 7/1998, on the 13th of April, about General Conditions of Contract, to the Law 26/1984, on the 19th of July, General for the Defense of Consumers and Users, to the Royal Decree 1906/1999, on the 17th of December 1999, that regulates the Telephonical or Electronical Contract with general conditions, in the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 from the European Parlament and the Council, on the 27th of April 2016, reffering to the protection of physical people regarding to the use of personal information and the circulation of this information, in the Law 7/1996, on the 15th of January, of Retail Trade Management, and the Law 34/2002, on the 11th of July, of Services of the Information Society and the Electronic Commerce.
Carol Gastronomia S.L. can modify General Conditions notifying the Clients, in order to improve the services offered in our web. With the modification of the General Conditions exposed on the web, it will be understood the right of notification. Carol Gastronomia S.L, preserves its right to cancel or modify the totallity or a part of the services offered. This will not mean the right of any indemnity to the users of this service. In any case, before booking the services, it can be consult the General Conditions.
Wether any clause included in these general conditions was declared, totally or partially, invalid or ineffective, that invalidity or ineffectiveness will only affect to this disposition or the part of it that results invalid or ineffective, mantaining the General Conditions for the rest, considering the disposition or the part of it affected, as it wasn’t presented before.
3.- INFORMATION TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT IN ORDER TO FOLLOW THE LAW 34/2002 IN REFERENCE TO THE SERVICES OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY belongs to Carol Gastronomia S.L., with CIF B-66216946 and domicile Avda. Mestre Muntaner, 44-44, 08700 Igualada, Barcelona (Spain).
For any doubt or question, the user can contact our consumer service writting at
During the process of ourchase, it will be asked personal information in order to make the purchase effective, send the mail information and create the bill. By this way, the facilitation of this information is essential to make the purchase and be identified to the access of the event.
The subscription to the news and the information via email is not required to proceed the purchase of the tickets and products, the reason why, only if you authorize us in the different legal texts, you will recieve information related to Carol Gastronomia S.L. You can see the Data Protection Policy in The Legal Advise in the web.
The anonymous register or with a false e-mail adress are not allowed. The user, at the moment of the purchase, declares that he or she is over 18, and disposes the legal capacity to contract and use the services offered by Carol Gastronomia SL.
The information required in the registration, like the name, surname, DNI, e-mail and telephone number, are necessary to the sale of the products and tickets.
The credit card information that is used to make the pay, is asked directy through secure payment plataforms, that is the reason why this information is not kept on this web.
The sell prices of the products offered are indicated in the web, in the rates section in the description of each articles that can be found in the portal.
The prices are expressed in euros.
Our prices to buy online are always with VAT included.
The prices that are shown in the web will be the ones applied in the charges made at the moment. However, Carol Gastronomia SL. can modify the prices at any time, informing previously at the service appliance, through the publication on the web, and at any case, for later charges after the date in which the changes are made.
The price of the services and products will be the indicated in our web, except in case of error. Taking into account that depending on the circumstances errors can be produced, if an error was found in the price of any of the products of a comand, the client will be informed as soon as possible, and will have the option to confirm again the comand with the correct price, and if he/she needs it, cancel it without any cost.
Carol Gastronomia S.L. will confirm the receiving of the command and the information of the purchase sending an e-mail.
The user will recieve a simplified bill through e-mail of the purchase, but he/she also has the right to apply for the full bill writing at
The payment way that is allowed in the adquision of products from Carol Gastronomia S.L. is credit or debit card, Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
These payments will be made through safe payment of Banc Sabadell.
If the user incorporates his/her personal credit card information through another portal that vinculates with other payment forms, not corresponding to the ones mentioned, or fraudulent for not identifying the entity mentioned, Carol Gastronomia SL will not take any responsability and it will not proceed the formalization of the purchase.
The delivery of all the tickets will be made instantanious and authomatically via email.
In any case the delivery will be done via postcard or home delivery for the products selected.
The adquision of the tickets and products of Carol Gastronomia SL online shop suposes the acceptance of the conditions below:
- Once the tickets are acquired, there will only be the right of devollution in case of the event cancellation, without the right of withdrawal.
- In case of the cancellation of the event, the person can ask for the refund of what has been paid in a term of maximum 30 days after the public communication of the cancellation, that will also be communicated individually to all the buyers via e-mail.
- Nevertheless, Carol Gastronomia S.L. preserves the right to modify the program when it has been cancelled by other reasons.
- There will not be a devolution and it is not considered a cancellation of the event in case of natural disasters, or other major causes that have nothing to do with the organization.
The company does not guarantee the autenticity of the ticket if it has not been adquired at The owner of the ticket assumes all the responsability in case that the ticket has been duplicated or falsified, and will lose all the rights to have the access to the event.
It is not allowed the resale of any ticket without a previous autorization of the Company Carol Gastronomia S.L., which will always be denied in case of resell the ticket more expensive than the official price or in case that the resale of the ticket is associated to the purchase of any other product or service. The resale not authorized by the company invalidates all the rights associated, also the possibility to attend at the event, without any refund of the price of the ticket.
Any ticket under suspicion of falsification or adquired illegally will give the Company the possibility to deprive the access to the event.
- These rules are mandatory for all attendees at any event organized by Carol Gastronomia S.L.
- Carol Gastronomia S.L., as the managing company of any event parking areas (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), will ensure compliance with these regulations as well as the applicable legislation governing event parking areas and vehicle circulation. The Company will report any violation of these rules to the competent authority.
- The competent authority may enter any event parking area, for justified reasons, at the request of the Company.
- The different event parking areas are reserved exclusively for attendees.
- Parking spaces within any event parking area will be allocated to vehicles on a first-come, first-served basis unless restrictions are established due to operational needs or service requirements.
- Dins de qualsevol zona d’aparcament del Festival no està permès:
- a)Access by any person who is not authorized as part of the parking area services.
b) Entry of animals of any kind, except for service animals assisting individuals with reduced mobility, provided they have the corresponding certification.
c) Introduction of combustible, flammable, or hazardous materials, except for the standard fuel content in vehicle tanks.
d) The sale, exchange, or informal street vending.
e) Pedestrian circulation in entry and exit lanes designated exclusively for vehicles. Pedestrians must use the designated walkways.
f) Lighting fires.
g) Entering offices or facilities without proper authorization.
h) Entry of vehicles and/or drivers deemed potentially dangerous. - At the end of the event, attendees must remove their vehicles.
- The Company is authorized to remove vehicles in cases of abandonment or non-compliance with these regulations or the specific rules of any parking area, following the procedure outlined in Article 6 of Law 40/200, of November 14, which regulates contracts for event parking areas.
- The guests of the event, using the parking zone will be the responsible to take the accessories from the vehicle, like mobile phones and other belongins, but without leaving them in charge to the company according to the Law 40/2002, dated on the 14th November 2002 that regulates the contract of the parking.
- The user has the obligation to communicate the workers of the event, immediately and before leaving the place, of any damage that may have done at the parking of the event or to the vehicles of any of the guests of the event. Moreover, the guest will have to communicate of any damage that could have been done to his/her vehicle at the parking of the event. In case of theft, the person will have to make a complaint to the Security Forces correspondent.
- Likewise, any damages sustained by a vehicle within any event parking area must be reported. In the event that the damages result from theft or vandalism, the corresponding complaint must first be filed with the competent Security Forces.
People under-age can have the access to the event under the condition of being with their parents or legal tutor and under his/her responsability.
At any time, the under-age users who own a ticket will have to keep the NIE or passport in case of the requirement by the organization in order to accredit the age.
For foreign people, they will have to bring the appropiate documents from their country.
The default of the requirements mentioned may be considered a reason of expulsion from the event, and the owner of the ticket will lose all the rights mentioned and will not have right to any type of refund of the price paid for the ticket.
Once the ticket is acquired, the cost will only be returned or changed in case of cancellation of the event, and the buyer will not have the right to withdrawal.
The organization preserves the right to modify the program of the event.
The amount will not be returned if the event is cancelled due to natural disasters or other major reasons that have nothing to do with the organization.
In case of cancellation once the event has started, there will not be returned the amount of money payed. The event will be considered started after 30 minutes since the time of the announcment.
The person who gets the ticket is agree to appear in the images taken at the place of the event, and also to the diffusion of them. The person also authorizes its use (consult the privacy policy), that will be the responsability of each media. Te images can also be used in the publicity of Carol Gastronomia S.L. and authorizes its use. The images can appear on the net, so their difusion cannot be controlled. All the images rights may be preserved and those of intellectual property of the event. It is not allowed to access to the place of the event with professional device to shoot, and/or sound or visual reproduccion.
All the images rights are reserved. It is not allowed any type of shooting, record or visual reproduction inside the place of the event except if the organization authorizes it.
In case of any doubt or questions, there is information available on the web For those people who are interested, there are claim forms at their disposal in the same place of the event and in our registered office.
Also available on:
You can find information about the consume services on:
Carol Gastronomia S.L. preserves its rights, by justified reasons to cancel or modify any of the conditions mentioned, or inform about incidences. In that case, the company can inform the audience through the channels they consider adequate. Under no circumstances modifications of these conditions imply the loss or reduction of the buyer’s rights.
Last actualization of the General Conditions of Contract on the 20th of May 2019.